
add noise to all input logs together and analyze 2 kinds of noise

Today, I added noise to all input logs together and analyzed 2 kinds of noise.


Tomorrow, I will see if I can find and analyze other noise and start to write the paper.


add noise to one log at a time

Today, I add noise to one log at a time.


I use exactly the same codes for every input but I cannot get prediction results if I add noise to some inputs.

I found that there are some NaNs of the predicted values so that I can not calculate the accuracy. For now, I do not know why it happens.

Tomorrow, I will try to find the reason for the above problem and continue to analyze the noise of logs.


find the least number of inputs

Today, I found the least number of inputs.


From the results, we can see that the least number is 12 following the above standard. I deleted RHOZ, PEFZ and GR, which are three least important inputs among all.

Next week, I will start to analyze the noise of inputs and outputs and start to write the paper.


Finish analyzing the dependence of accuracy on each of the inputs

Today, I finished analyzing the dependence of accuracy on each of the inputs.


Tomorrow, I will analyze the least number of inputs with which I can still obtain predictions close to the best one now.


search for papers and start to write the paper

Today, I started to search for papers so that I can rewrite the introduction. Also, I list some tasks added to the original work.


I am now rewriting the introduction and search for useful papers when writing it.

Also, I listed two more tasks:
1. analyze sensitivity to noise in input data
2. analyze dependence of the accuracy on each of the inputs (rank all inputs using parallel computing)

Tomorrow, I will try to finish the two tasks and continue to write the paper.


Select all useful paragraphs from the second paper

Today, I selected all useful paragraphs from the second paper.


I am now writing a draft for the GRSL letter.

Next week, I will continue to write the draft.


start to change the paper

Today, I started to change the second paper to a letter.


I am now thinking about how to extract the third model from the whole paper and combine it with inputs analysis.

Tomorrow, I will continue to write the letter.

improve prediction accuracy

Today, I matched the lithology between Atland well and Abernathy well and get better results.


Yesterday, I did not match the lithology so that the prediction accuracy is very bad.
Today, I found the problem and matched it to get better results. R2 of Vp and Vs are 0.6419 and 0.5176. NRMSE of Vp and Vs are 0.0928 and 0.0948.
For now, NRMSE is ok but R2 is not high enough (higher than 0.7 is better).
I will see if I can improve it after I finish the letter.

Tomorrow, I will start to think about changing my second paper to a letter.


test models in different wells

Today, I tested models in different wells.


I trained the model in Abernathy and test in Atland.
The following are testing results, which is not very good. R2 are -0.6432 and -0.0072. NRMSE are 0.2007 and 0.0593.

Tomorrow, I will check if I can improve the result. If not, I will write the letter first.


finish changing the paper for submission and start to test models in different wells

Today, I finished changing the paper for submission and started to test models in different wells.


I sent you by an email.

Tomorrow, I will continue to test models in different wells.


revise the paper and look for reviewers

Today, I revised the paper and looked for reviewers.


 Please see the email.

Next week, I will continue the third research.


some journal papers potential for submission

Today, I read some papers related to my research from ATCE. Also , I found some Journals potential for submission.


Mathematical Geosciences


IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine

IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks

Tomorrow, we can discuss about which Journal to submit our second paper.

If I can publish one or two papers before application deadline (usually February and March, 2018), it will be very helpful for me to apply for the scholarship. So could you please help me select one Journal for our second paper which will accept our paper with a larger chance and in a higher speed? Thank you so much for your selection and understanding.


recode for ranking

Today, I recoded for ranking all inputs using parallel computing.


Next week, I plan to go to ATCE. I will check the model in other 2 wells when I come back.


try to compare resistivity logs

Today, I compared resistivity logs for several times.


Tomorrow, I will see if I can find more related to our research.


Finish improvement and ranking

Today, I finished improvement and ranking.


Tomorrow, I will read papers and look for some methods to improve prediction performance.


running the improvement flowchart.

Today, I ran the improvement flowchart.


Some results are still running. I will upload all of them together tomorrow.

Tomorrow, I will finish the improvement flowchart and rank all inputs.


check data preprocessing methods

Today, I checked all data preprocessing methods.


Normalization, PCA, Remove constant values are checked seperately for the ANN model.
Only Normalization helps to train and test the ANN model.
PCA and Remove constant values are used but no improvement is seen.

Tomorrow, I will do other tasks in the list.