
Chapter 7

Today, I finished exercises of Chapter 6 and read Chapter 7.

exercise 6.3
#biological predictors can be used to assess the quality of the raw mateiral before processing.
#manufacturing process predictors can be changed in the manufacturing process.
#12 biological predictors, 45 process predictors, 176 manufacturing runs
trainrows=createDataPartition(ChemicalManufacturingProcess[ ,1], p=0.8, list = FALSE)
trainpredictors=ChemicalManufacturingProcess[trainrows, ]
testpredictors=ChemicalManufacturingProcess[-trainrows, ]

Summary of Chapter 7
Nonlinear Regression Models
Like PLS, the outcome is modeled by an intermediary set of unobserved variables (hidden variables or hidden units). These hidden units are linear combinations of the original predictors, but unlike PLS models, they are not estimated in a hierarchical fashion.
The linear combination is typically transformed by a nonlinear function g, such as the logistic (i.e., sigmoidal) function:
The total number of parameters is H(P+1)+H+1.
Back-propagation algorithm is a highly efficient methodology that works with derivatives to find the optimal parameters. However, it is common that a solution to this equation is not a global solution.
Weight decay (moderate over-fitting):
An alternative version of the sum of the squared errors:

Tomorrow, I will continue to read Chapter 7.

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