
have some problems with IP

Today, I had some problems with IP.


I found that I cannot load some data, such as at10 and at90, of well 2 from original files to IP. I asked Pratiksha, and she recommends me to move version 4.4.2017 to 4.4.2016. So I sent and email to ipsupport. They sent me the link of the old version. But after installing it, I cannot even open the software.
I will continue to communicate with them and solve the problem as soon as possible.

Tomorrow, I will try to solve the problem and start to deal with the data of well 2 and BHP.


k-nearest neighbor classification

Today, I read materials about k-nearest neighbor classification algorithm.


In last Thursday's group meeting, I was asked the iteration times of KNN in my paper. I remembered that I did not set it in my codes. Today, I look into it and read some materials online.
Actually, KNN does not need to set iteration times. The reasons are as follows.
In KNN model, first we set k, for example k=3. Then, we select 80% of all data to train the model. When training the model, 3 points are selected randomly first. all other points are used to calculate the distance between them and classified into the one which has the nearest distance to be the same cluster. Then the sum of all distances are compared. After calculating all possible conditions, we can obtain the smallest one, so the model is built. As a result, there is no need to set iteration times because we do not iterate. Instead, we have the goal function and we can get the global minimum, namely the smallest distance.
So what is the difference between ANN and KNN? I think one big difference is that for ANN, every time you train an ANN model, they will not be exactly the same. But for KNN, as long as you have the same k value and same training data, you will obtain exactly the same model with enough calculations.

Tomorrow, I will continue to read more about my research and discuss with you about future work.


improve the draft

Today, I improved the draft.


I sent to your email. Please improve our first paper on the final version. Thank you.

Next week, I will start to work on the second well.


finish writing the draft

Today, I finish writing the draft.


I send to your email.

Tomorrow, I will see if I can improve it a little first and send you the final draft.


change the conclusion and validate SCG algorithm

Today, I change the conclusion of the paper and validate SCG algorithm.



Tomorrow, I will try to finish writing the draft of the paper.
There are four more things to do:
add time comparison of two models
describe two models more clearly
validate why two hidden layers are enough
change the parts marked in the draft and improve it as a whole


change part 4 and replot some figures

Today, I change case study part and replot some figures.



Tomorrow, I will prepare for the team presentation and continue to write the paper.


change the first three parts of the paper

Today, I changed the first three parts of the paper, abstract, introduction and theory and methodology.



Tomorrow, I will continue to write the paper.


start writing the second paper

Today, I start writing the second paper.


I write on the basis of the first paper.


Should we add the second paper into the first one to obtain a more complete paper or we separate them into two papers? The second paper may be even shorter than the first one. We can discuss it when we meet next time.


Find some conferences and journals

Today, I found some conferences and journals which may be suitable for our paper.


SPE Canada Heavy Oil Technical Conference
SPE Canada Unconventional Resources Conference
Offshore Technology Conference Asia (OTC Asia)
IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and Exhibition

SPWLA Petrophysics Journal (0.514)
SPE Journal (1.442)
SPE Production & Operations (0.818)
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering (1.767)
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (1.655)
Energy Sources Part A (0.455)
Geophysical Prospecting (1.835)
Energy & Fuels (2.835)

The number is the impact factor. The red ones are my preference.

Could we discuss about which are the best for our submission tomorrow? Could you please give me some recommendations? Thank you so much.


finish the comparison part

Today, I finish the comparison part.


Since there are only 4000 words now in our paper with this part, I wonder if it is too short to be accepted by a Journal. Is it enough work for now for our paper to be published? If you think it is ok, we may look for and discuss where to submit our paper. If not, we can discuss how to improve our paper. Also, we may look for some conference to submit our abstract.

On Wednesday, I plan to look for some Journals and Conferences suitable for our paper and discuss with you about them and our paper.


Comparison of R and MATLAB for training a model

Today, I make comparison of R and MATLAB for training a model.


Next week, I will add them into the paper.


similar time, worse prediction

Today, I build an ANN model in r exactly the same as what it is in matlab. But the prediction result is much worse than that in matlab.


I build an ANN model with same hidden layers and neurons, same training function (scg), same initial weights and biases (0.1), same training (85%) and testing (15%) data.
The result shows that in matlab, the time for 500 iterations is 2.68 s, while in r, the time for 500 iterations is 2.53 s. It seems that r is even a little better. (I was wrong because I did not control the same training function.)
However, the prediction result of the ANN model in r is very poor, which is shown below.
For most data, the prediction result is about 0 no matter what it is originally. For now, I do not know why it is like that.

Tomorrow, I will try to fix the problem.


Build an ANN model in R

Today, I try to build an ANN model in R, but I have not finished it.


I find the basic ANN model function in R.
I start to set every parameter the same in R.
Now I am trying to find the same training function, scaled conjugate gradient function, but i do not find it.

Tomorrow, I will continue to adjust the model.


Finish the draft

Today, I finish the draft.


I sent you by the email.

Tomorrow, I will start to compare R and Matlab.


Finish the case study

Today, I finish the case study part.



Tomorrow, I will finish all the draft.