
Find some conferences and journals

Today, I found some conferences and journals which may be suitable for our paper.


SPE Canada Heavy Oil Technical Conference
SPE Canada Unconventional Resources Conference
Offshore Technology Conference Asia (OTC Asia)
IADC/SPE Drilling Conference and Exhibition

SPWLA Petrophysics Journal (0.514)
SPE Journal (1.442)
SPE Production & Operations (0.818)
SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering (1.767)
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (1.655)
Energy Sources Part A (0.455)
Geophysical Prospecting (1.835)
Energy & Fuels (2.835)

The number is the impact factor. The red ones are my preference.

Could we discuss about which are the best for our submission tomorrow? Could you please give me some recommendations? Thank you so much.

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