
deal with Abernathy data

Today, I dealt with Abernathy data.


I tried to look for every file that may be related to Abernathy data, and import all of them into IP. But there are so many data which cannot be used for inputs. The results I conclude are shown as follows.

There are many inputs absent in Abernathy data:

All QElan data

In addition, some inputs in Abernathy data have some problems.
DCAL: all data are equal to 0.
DTCO: the depth range of it is totally different from the others such as GR. So it is difficult to include it into inputs.
DTSM: the depth range of it is totally different from the others.

I checked the email and found that Pratiksha is also dealing with BHP data. Tomorrow, I plan to discuss with her and check if there is something missing in my files or if there are some technique problems to prevent me from obtaining better inputs.