
literature review of sonic logs

Today, I did literature review of sonic logs.


There are two main kinds of methods of predicting Vp and Vs.

1. data from lab measurements
1.1. multiple regression
1.1.1. Inputs: NPHI, RHOB, GR, LLD(deep laterolog, resistivity), Vp
          Outputs: Vs
1.1.2. Inputs: NPHI, RHOB, Vp
          Outputs: Vs
1.2. ANN
Inputs: NPHI, RHOB, Vp
Outputs: Vs

2. data from well logs
Xu-White model

In conclusion,  following logs can be selected as inputs and outputs for our research.
Outputs: DTCO, DTSM

In the evening, more literature review are done for predicting sonic logs.

In Oregon Basin, Wyoming, Iverson and Walker (1992), empirical equations
inputs: shale content (from GR), lithology and porosity (nuclear logs)
outputs: shear and compressional transit times

sand/shale mixture, Dvorkin and Gutierrez (2001), empirical equations
inputs: mineral properties, rock porosity and shale volume
outputs: Vp and Vs

South Texas clastics, offshore gulf of mexico clastics, Greenberg and Castagna (1992), empirical equations
inputs: lothology, porosity, water saturation, Vp
outputs: Vs

Asmari formation (carbonate reservoir rock of Iranian oil field), Asoodeh (2011), CMIS (committee machine with intelligent sustems)
inputs: NPHI, RHOB, Rt, Vsh
outputs:Vp, Vs, stoneley wave velocity

sandstone reservoir of Carnarvon Basin, Australia, Rezaee et al. (2006), CMIS (committee machine with intelligent sustems)
inputs: NPHI, Vp, GR, RHOB, Rlld
outputs: Vs

carbonate reservoir in Iran, Maleki et al. (2014), empirical correlations and AI methods (SVM, ANN)
inputs: Vp, RHOZ, GR, PHIT, Rt, HCAL
outputs: Vs

Tomorrow, I will start to build ANN for DTCO and DTSM.

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