
think about how to make statistical description and analyze performance related to intervals

Today, I tried to think about how to make statistical description and analyze performance related to intervals.


Statistical description:
Compare mean, sd/mean, skewness of every input at different intervals. It needs 3 big tables.
I do not know if it is necessary to plot 3 big tables to do statistical description.

Peformance vs. intervals:
Obtain mean accuracy of every input at different intervals, which needs just one table.

Tomorrow, I will try to finish this part.


  1. Compare mean, sd/mean, skewness of every input at different intervals. It needs 3 big tables.
    I do not know if it is necessary to plot 3 big tables to do statistical description.


  2. you have seven intervals...and three statistical parameters for each of the seven intervals... it is not a big table.. i think you should go for it.. meet with me tomorrow if you want to discuss this.

    1. There are also 22 inputs for every table. Ok, let us meet when you have time.
