
GMM example

Today, I continued to look for FMM codes. Finally, I found one of GMM example. I think it is really helpful for fitting T2 distribution.


First, I want to point out one problem:
In distribution, the pdf shows that y is the probability and x is the value of the variable. But in T2 distribution, the y is the value of T2 and x is just the time.
I will try to solve it.

 % $Author: ChrisMcCormick $    $Date: 2014/05/19 22:00:00 $    $Revision: 1.3 $

%% STEP 1a: Generate data from two 1D distributions.

mu1 = 10;      % Mean
sigma1 = 1;    % Sigma
m1 = 100;      % Number of points

mu2 = 20;
sigma2 = 3;
m2 = 200;

% Generate the data.
X1 = (randn(m1, 1) * sigma1) + mu1;
X2 = (randn(m2, 1) * sigma2) + mu2;

X = [X1; X2];

%% STEP 1b: Plot the data points and their pdfs.

x = [0:0.1:30];
y1 = gaussian1D(x, mu1, sigma1);
y2 = gaussian1D(x, mu2, sigma2);

hold off;
plot(x, y1, 'b-');
hold on;
plot(x, y2, 'r-');
plot(X1, zeros(size(X1)), 'bx', 'markersize', 10);
plot(X2, zeros(size(X2)), 'rx', 'markersize', 10);

set(gcf,'color','white') % White background for the figure.

%% STEP 2: Choose initial values for the parameters.

% Set 'm' to the number of data points.
m = size(X, 1);

% Set 'k' to the number of clusters to find.
k = 2;

% Randomly select k data points to serve as the means.
indeces = randperm(m);
mu = zeros(1, k);
for (i = 1 : k)
    mu(i) = X(indeces(i));

% Use the overal variance of the dataset as the initial variance for each cluster.
sigma = ones(1, k) * sqrt(var(X));

% Assign equal prior probabilities to each cluster.
phi = ones(1, k) * (1 / k)

%% STEP 3: Run Expectation Maximization

% Matrix to hold the probability that each data point belongs to each cluster.
% One row per data point, one column per cluster.
W = zeros(m, k);

% Loop until convergence.
for (iter = 1:1000)
    fprintf('  EM Iteration %d\n', iter);

    %% STEP 3a: Expectation
    % Calculate the probability for each data point for each distribution.
    % Matrix to hold the pdf value for each every data point for every cluster.
    % One row per data point, one column per cluster.
    pdf = zeros(m, k);
    % For each cluster...
    for (j = 1 : k)
        % Evaluate the Gaussian for all data points for cluster 'j'.
        pdf(:, j) = gaussian1D(X, mu(j), sigma(j));
    % Multiply each pdf value by the prior probability for each cluster.
    %    pdf  [m  x  k]
    %    phi  [1  x  k]   
    %  pdf_w  [m  x  k]
    pdf_w = bsxfun(@times, pdf, phi);
    % Divide the weighted probabilities by the sum of weighted probabilities for each cluster.
    %   sum(pdf_w, 2) -- sum over the clusters.
    W = bsxfun(@rdivide, pdf_w, sum(pdf_w, 2));
    %% STEP 3b: Maximization
    %% Calculate the probability for each data point for each distribution.

    % Store the previous means so we can check for convergence.
    prevMu = mu;    
    % For each of the clusters...
    for (j = 1 : k)
        % Calculate the prior probability for cluster 'j'.
        phi(j) = mean(W(:, j));
        % Calculate the new mean for cluster 'j' by taking the weighted
        % average of *all* data points.
        mu(j) = weightedAverage(W(:, j), X);
        % Calculate the variance for cluster 'j' by taking the weighted
        % average of the squared differences from the mean for all data
        % points.
        variance = weightedAverage(W(:, j), (X - mu(j)).^2);
        % Calculate sigma by taking the square root of the variance.
        sigma(j) = sqrt(variance);
    % Check for convergence.
    % Comparing floating point values for equality is generally a bad idea, but
    % it seems to be working fine.
    if (mu == prevMu)

% End of Expectation Maximization loop.    

%% STEP 4: Plot the data points and their estimated pdfs.

x = [0:0.1:30];
y1 = gaussian1D(x, mu(1), sigma(1));
y2 = gaussian1D(x, mu(2), sigma(2));

% Plot over the existing figure, using black lines for the estimated pdfs.
plot(x, y1, 'k-');
plot(x, y2, 'k-');
I think it is the most suitable example close to my research.

Tomorrow, I will continue to look into it.

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