I try to select 6 most possible models to predict:
Boosted tree, Cubist, Random forest, SVM and Elastic Net.
As what I read last semester, these six are the best ones used to predict other kinds of data.
At this evening, I code for ANN model. Now the laptop is calculating and it has not finished yet. So I do not know if it is good or not for now. I will leave it calculating by itself. Tomorrow, I may get some results.
## T2 Prediction
trainingrows=createDataPartition((1:3055), p=0.8, list=FALSE)
trainlog=logchange1[trainingrows, ]
testlog=logchange1[-trainingrows, ]
ctr1=trainControl(method = "cv", number = 10)
nnetgrid=expand.grid(.decay=c(0, 0.01, 0.1), .size=c(1:10), .bag=FALSE)
nnettune=train(trainlog, parameter1, method="avNNet", tuneGrid = nnetgrid, trControl = ctr1,
preProcess = c("center", "scale"), linout = TRUE, trace = FALSE,
MaxNWts = 10*(ncol(trainlog)+1)+10+1, maxit=200)
Tomorrow, I will continue to build models and compare them.
Model Averaged Neural Network
2447 samples
16 predictor
Pre-processing: centered (16), scaled (16)
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold)
Summary of sample sizes: 2202, 2202, 2202, 2201, 2202, 2203, ...
Resampling results across tuning parameters:
decay size RMSE Rsquared
0.00 1 0.001182810 0.2659956
0.00 2 0.001178855 0.2652559
0.00 3 0.001176240 0.2700417
0.00 4 0.001171193 0.2758881
0.00 5 0.001171282 0.2757166
0.00 6 0.001175032 0.2719288
0.00 7 0.001169831 0.2771893
0.00 8 0.001170633 0.2768607
0.00 9 0.001173294 0.2730265
0.00 10 0.001174102 0.2723126
0.01 1 0.001202662 0.2380567
0.01 2 0.001202690 0.2380329
0.01 3 0.001202191 0.2388848
0.01 4 0.001201014 0.2403814
0.01 5 0.001208686 0.2342891
0.01 6 0.001192577 0.2520885
0.01 7 0.001187736 0.2564749
0.01 8 0.001188651 0.2550046
0.01 9 0.001189708 0.2548316
0.01 10 0.001190979 0.2544052
0.10 1 0.001212622 0.2285682
0.10 2 0.001211344 0.2293782
0.10 3 0.001209365 0.2291870
0.10 4 0.001211336 0.2291943
0.10 5 0.001211175 0.2295812
0.10 6 0.001204673 0.2362646
0.10 7 0.001203994 0.2369177
0.10 8 0.001202633 0.2369342
0.10 9 0.001203141 0.2373625
0.10 10 0.001204911 0.2364219
Tuning parameter 'bag' was held constant at a value of FALSE
RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
The final values used for the model were size = 7, decay = 0 and bag = FALSE.
The results come out now but R2 of training model is not very good. The largest is smaller than 0.3. It should be at least 0.7. I will try to figure it out today.
Model Averaged Neural Network
2447 samples
16 predictor
Pre-processing: centered (16), scaled (16)
Resampling: Cross-Validated (10 fold)
Summary of sample sizes: 2202, 2202, 2202, 2201, 2202, 2203, ...
Resampling results across tuning parameters:
decay size RMSE Rsquared
0.00 1 0.001182810 0.2659956
0.00 2 0.001178855 0.2652559
0.00 3 0.001176240 0.2700417
0.00 4 0.001171193 0.2758881
0.00 5 0.001171282 0.2757166
0.00 6 0.001175032 0.2719288
0.00 7 0.001169831 0.2771893
0.00 8 0.001170633 0.2768607
0.00 9 0.001173294 0.2730265
0.00 10 0.001174102 0.2723126
0.01 1 0.001202662 0.2380567
0.01 2 0.001202690 0.2380329
0.01 3 0.001202191 0.2388848
0.01 4 0.001201014 0.2403814
0.01 5 0.001208686 0.2342891
0.01 6 0.001192577 0.2520885
0.01 7 0.001187736 0.2564749
0.01 8 0.001188651 0.2550046
0.01 9 0.001189708 0.2548316
0.01 10 0.001190979 0.2544052
0.10 1 0.001212622 0.2285682
0.10 2 0.001211344 0.2293782
0.10 3 0.001209365 0.2291870
0.10 4 0.001211336 0.2291943
0.10 5 0.001211175 0.2295812
0.10 6 0.001204673 0.2362646
0.10 7 0.001203994 0.2369177
0.10 8 0.001202633 0.2369342
0.10 9 0.001203141 0.2373625
0.10 10 0.001204911 0.2364219
Tuning parameter 'bag' was held constant at a value of FALSE
RMSE was used to select the optimal model using the smallest value.
The final values used for the model were size = 7, decay = 0 and bag = FALSE.
The results come out now but R2 of training model is not very good. The largest is smaller than 0.3. It should be at least 0.7. I will try to figure it out today.
to test your method you need to apply the code to smaller data set or to a known easy data set before you apply it on longer data set.
ReplyDeletedo not apply the method to the real data...
The method has been proved useful in the book. But it does not work in our logging data, I will try it figure it out what is wrong.
Delete1. try another method
ReplyDelete2. get an account in OSCER to do the lengthy computation.
3. show me in slides all the steps for a known data.. we awant to see the steps you are following works for the known data..
4. look into one formation
5. visual justification of r2=0.268