Today, I reviewed IP and selected some logging data.
These are lithology logging data from QElan. They are almost at the same depth interval as NMR. So they could not be used to predict T2 distribution outside the depth range. However, we can get more QElan data outside the depth range of NMR so that we can predict T2 at other depths.
In addition, we do not need to predict T2 from top to bottom well. We just need to predict T2 at reservoir depths.
1. The logging data I select are as follows:
2. I also picked two wire logging data:
3. I deleted five logging data from initial 16 logging data because they are highly correlated with other logging data:
Tomorrow, I will finish the depth match for logging data and T2 distribution parameters data. I will finish predict T2 with new data tomorrow to see if they can be more accurate.
Is this your output for the whole day?
ReplyDeleteYes, I had courses both in the morning and in the afternoon yesterday, so I just had time to do research in the evening.
DeleteDo not use QELAN data. Hao Li is already using it. If you use it, you will be merely replicating his approach.
ReplyDeleteOk, but Hao is using shape recognition method as you said and I am using data prediction method. I think they are different.
DeleteOK try QELAN